Electric vehicle charging station

For greater environmental sustainability!

Is it possible to go on holiday without polluting the air we breathe? Yes, it is.

Just be aware that, if you have planned to travel with an electric car or intend to pedal into the mountains and the surrounding nature with a zero-emissions bike, the Crozzon Hotel won’t leave you on foot!

We are one of the first hotels in Madonna di Campiglio to have installed the electric vehicle charging column, which is available for free use by our guests only.

The electric vehicle charging column is an additional value in terms of eco-friendly hospitality as well as a key service for those who intend to travel without polluting.
Using electric vehicles means choosing a life style in which comforts and the environment co-exist in a combination that is increasingly important when on holiday!

Charging is free for all guests staying in our structure πŸ™‚


